Small adventure ticket ("Kleine Erlebniskarte")

  • Entry in the Historic Museum of Mining "Pfälzisches Bergbaumuseum" and
  • Entry and guidance historic mine "Grube Maria"

adults 8,00 EUR
children / discounted tickets* 6,00 EUR
family (2 adults + own children) 20,00 EUR

  • Note: Special admission prices may apply on promotional days.

*) Reductions only on presentation of a valid ID: seniors (65+), pupils, trainees and students (up to 27 years), FSJ/FÖJ as well as wheelchair users and people with disabilities (mine and mining museum are not wheelchair accessible).

Registration and further information:

Verbandsgemeinde Winnweiler, Tourismusbüro
Jakobstr. 29, 67722 Winnweiler

Phone: +49 (0) 6302 / 602 - 61
Fax: +49 (0) 6302 / 602 - 20
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact us

Tourist information:

+49 (0) 6302 / 602 - 61 

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A new family hands-on adventure, the return of the popular mining day, Bavarian in Palatinate mining, the popular mineral exchange and fixed opening days: If the Mining Experience World Imsbach starts the season on Sunday, April 21st, there are quite a few Innovations. It starts with a very special trip for small and large guests Centuries-old mine on Donnersberg.

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